Student Research

Two chemistry students handling materials in a lab setting.

Uncover new knowledge

Research offers many benefits.

You can contribute to the public good, develop your skills and preview your career options.

Enhance your future through research

At the undergraduate or graduate level, you have research options.

You can conduct research to:

  • Complete requirements for your degree.
  • Prepare for graduate school or advanced study.
  • Highlight your skills to potential employers.
  • Get published and receive recognition for your work.

A well-designed research experience includes the opportunity to present your work to others, both verbally and in writing.

Research for class credit (undergraduate)

The chemistry department offers two research courses for undergraduate students each semester:

These courses are available for 1-3 credit hours per semester. Each course may be repeated to a maximum of five credit hours.

Want to get started?

Review the research manual, then complete the proper form.

Graduate research

To complete a master’s degree in chemistry, you must conduct research on a topic of your choice.

You won’t be on your own – a faculty advisor will help you map out the project from start to finish.

A chemistry professor instructs a student during a lab activity.
Faculty research
Our faculty don’t just teach you – they’re also dedicated researchers. Discover what they’re working on and how you can join.