Dr. Bryan E. Breyfogle


Chemistry and Biochemistry

Role: Faculty
Campus: Springfield

Postal mail

Missouri State University
Chemistry and Biochemistry
901 S. National Ave.
Springfield, MO 65897



  • PhD, 1996, Missouri University of Science and Technology


  • CHM 160 General Chemistry I
  • CHM 435/635 Investigations in Chemistry for Teachers
  • CHM 710 Special Topics in Chemical Education

Professional experience

Professional affiliations

The American Chemical Society

  • Ozarks Local Section Chair 2014, 2012, 2005


Research and professional interests

  • Chemical education: Development and implementation of technology-mediated classroom and laboratory activities at the undergraduate and K-12 levels
  • Electrochemistry of materials and molecules, especially electrodeposition and characterization of metal oxidesElectrosynthesis of binary metal oxide systems